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Last 0.04 Volume 6707 Day High 0.04 Day Low 0.04 Last Trade Date 2025-03-03 - 09:30:00
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Common investment tips for the first time investor to help make the right decisions with resource stock investments.

  1. Evaluate the management team of the company.
  2. Research the past success of that company.
  3. Evaluate that companies current projects and the potential for growth.
  4. Simplify the investing process.
  5. Invest what you will not miss and tuck it away to watch it grow.

Investor Facts about Wescan:

  1. Historical success through management and directors.
  2. Wescan shares are tightly held and Wescan has strong financial alliances.  
  3. Our current gold projects have great potential.
  4. Pursuing new acquisition opportunities.

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