Corporate Properties News Investors
Last 0.04 Volume 6707 Day High 0.04 Day Low 0.04 Last Trade Date 2025-03-03 - 09:30:00
Success Story
Directors & Management
Share Structure
Corporate Governance

Kenneth E. MacNeill
President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman

Ken has been with the Company since 1993. As a second generation Saskatchewan mine developer, Ken has an extensive background in all aspects of natural resource exploration and development. He has been an officer and director of several public mining and exploration companies most recently as President, CEO and a Director of Star Diamond Corporation (formerly Shore Gold Inc). Ken guided Star Diamond through the acquisition and exploration of the Star - Orion South Diamond Project.

W. Connor MacNeill
Interim Chief Financial Officer

Connor joined the Company in 2022 as part of Head of Corporate Development and swiftly advanced to the role of Interim Chief Financial Officer. With a heritage deeply entrenched in mining and exploration spanning three generations, he offers unique insight from a lifetime immersed in the industry. His Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Saskatchewan further strengthens his financial aptitude.

Gary Billingsley

A professional engineer and geoscientist with over thirty years of experience in the mineral industry, with a majority of these years in Saskatchewan, Mr. Billingsley has been an officer and director of several public mining and mineral exploration companies during the past twenty years. In addition to uranium and base metal exploration experience, he was directly involved in putting Saskatchewan's largest gold mine into production and played a major role in the discovery of diamond-bearing kimberlite in Saskatchewan on three separate occasions.

Val Michasiw

Ms. Michasiw has been on the Board of Wescan Goldfields Inc. since April of 2005. She currently is employed at Star Diamond Corporation. Previously, Ms. Michasiw was the Corporate Secretary-Treasurer of Claude Resources Inc. (now SSR Mining), a publicly traded gold and oil and gas corporation Ms. Michasiw has also worked in the areas of Investor Relations and Corporate Development.

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